sábado, 20 de febrero de 2016

top 5 characters  that can beat goku with ease 
1 archie sonic he is capable of traveling millions of times the speed of light and hes able to defeat charecters that can destroy millions of multiverses so he wins
 2 STTGL he is able to throw galaxys like shurikens he  can also survive attacks that are like the big bang he is also capable of making a giant drill  that is about 10 times bigger than him

3 the beyonder he is almost omnipotent he is capable of creating everything  with his imagination so he can destroy goku in a mear second  

 4 whis he is able to time travel 5 minutes before something can happen he is also stronger then bills and champa so he can win with ease

 5 the one above all he is omnipotent and  omniscient he is the creator of the marvel universe and the living tribunals master in his universe so he can beat goku with a thught




sábado, 31 de octubre de 2015

     story  rayman was created to protect the forest from the evil forces                                                                                                                              habilities and power ups  helicopter hair                he can  use his hair has a helicopter to fly and attack                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                he can also use his fist to sent a creature to another planet and he can also punch throw the metal and crush it easily                                                                                                                              energy  ball he can charge his fist with electric magic to throw it from a far distance                                            golden fist Utilized in two different ways, the Golden Fist not only powers up his fists to one-hit takedowns save for the toughest opponents, his energy spheres become much more powerful, although the time is limited.  rayman also has the ability to change his size                                                                                                             heavy metal fist        the heavy metal fist doubles his fists power and adds spikes                             for more straight                                                                                                                                                .                                                                                                                                                                                              vortex                   His fists become tornado shooters, which have unique effects. The strength of the vortex shots shrink enemies down to minimum size, from which Rayman can easily deal with them .                                                                                                                                                                              

  story luffy is son of the dragon a famous mercenary when he was a kid he eat the devils fruit that give him his power                                                                                                                                 tecnics                                                             pistol with this tecnic he throws punchs with the power of a bullet                                                                                                                                                          jet pistol  with this tecnic he can throw punchs at big speeds                                                                                 gear 2 it multiplies his power throw 2 times                                                                                                          gear 3 it gives his tecnics more power and straight                                                                                                                                                                                                                   elefant gun with this tecnic his arm can turn into a iron part and its size can grow                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               gear 4 it makes him more stronger  powerfull and durable  he can now jump higher then before in this form he still has gumu gumu powers but more over powerd                                                                                                                                                                                                               gomu gomu schneider                             this is    where he uses his legs in a very fast speed                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

                                                                                           leo bazooka this is where he uses his arms in the form of a bazooka to shoot his oponents from a big distance      

rayman vs luffy   in this debate lets see who wins well  then                                                                                            straight tie       they are both very strong                                                                                                     speed rayman    he can run on walls and he can go throw a island size fortress in short time                  durability rayman he can take a metal island explotion in his face                                                         fighting skills luffy he has trained to be  what he is                                                                                       tecnics  luffy they have more destructive force                                                                                          range  both                                                                                                                                                   endurance rayman                                                                                                                                                    and the winner is rayman 

domingo, 25 de octubre de 2015

top 5 charecters that can beat superman   number 1 the presence dc comics

he created the dc universe with his power he is also omnipotent  with his power he can create life in the universe in a battle he could beat superman  with no problem with only one thougt and his imagination he is basicly the god of the dc universe so he wins with ease     number 2 paper mario                                                                                                                                                               he can easily wish that superman gets out of his distance with his star road and he was also albe to survive a the universe explotion  easily   so paper mario wins                                                                   number 3    kumgawa misogi                                                     he has   the  ability to turn almost everything in fiction  with the all fiction technic so he can turn superman in only fiction so kumagawa wins  number 4 neo                                neo is the future in person he can destroy a universe he can also stop time of a whole universe  he can also create a universe with his power and he can change his size  to be universe size                             number 5  hao asakura  he can create black holes ,stars and use them like supernovas and he can also control meteors and this is what he can do in his base form and his final ability is to absorbe the souls of his victims          so hao can beat superman easily so this is the end and superman fanboys this is it