sábado, 20 de febrero de 2016

top 5 characters  that can beat goku with ease 
1 archie sonic he is capable of traveling millions of times the speed of light and hes able to defeat charecters that can destroy millions of multiverses so he wins
 2 STTGL he is able to throw galaxys like shurikens he  can also survive attacks that are like the big bang he is also capable of making a giant drill  that is about 10 times bigger than him

3 the beyonder he is almost omnipotent he is capable of creating everything  with his imagination so he can destroy goku in a mear second  

 4 whis he is able to time travel 5 minutes before something can happen he is also stronger then bills and champa so he can win with ease

 5 the one above all he is omnipotent and  omniscient he is the creator of the marvel universe and the living tribunals master in his universe so he can beat goku with a thught




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